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Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

The earth, the only planet where life is exist. Earth is the only planet who provided us about million kind of natural resources, this is included land, forest, and water. Earth became our homeland, but piecemeal it become our prison. Long ago, we lived here as the king, as the queen, as the prince and as the princess of our own kingdom which we called earth, but now, our earth become our own prison, we are as the prisoners of our kingdom. How is the beautiful kingdom could become the dark, the gloomy, the clumsy prison?

the perdition which befall us this centuries will be more rougher than now. The existence of this world's nature will be ruin soon because our not appropriate activity. The forest will not become the lungs of our earth again, it is becoming the poisonous gas which spread over our land, we will not see any blue marine again, but we will see the gloomy, the black marine spreading along our shore lands. No more bright and picturesque of the sky, they will be replaced by the obscure, the murky sky. Water will be the most trouble problem which will ruin us. Now days our pure water capacity is decreasing bit by bit each year. If today fuel and oil become the excuse to be a war, in 2040 water will be the causes of the war between the countries because if there is no more water left, no more food for us, for our children.

Our ancestors protected this world from the perdition, and we are as their generation should become the heroes and the heroins for our homelands. We should understand that water is our precious assets, not only assets it become the most valuable treasure for our lands. You can help protect our land by doing the little things that will affect the whole world for the 20 years future.

Why should we care?

About 32 from 51 rivers in Indonesia have been polluted, and only 1 left that still feasible to be called river. If we keep losing our river and our spring, soon there will be no more pure water to consume. If this happen, soon our our earth will be a drought land.

According to World Water Forum II in Den Haag in March 2000. Indonesia will encounter the water crisis in 2025, even we are as a part of the country which rich of pure water this years, but we can not dodge this facts, since our pure rivers are going to vanish. How they vanished? Because the water exploitation by some private enterprise, the water pollution by detergent, by company waste and by poison waste.

Imagine if you live in dry area, you do not have enough water to do the household activity, so you buy the water. Now you buy a gallon of water and put into your tube, the tube can accommodate 400 liters and the gallon is 19 liters each. So each day you order about 20 gallons, 1 gallons price is 3000 thousands of Rupiah, in a day you could waste about 60.000 thousand of Rupiah only for pure water, then how much a week? This will remind you that we, can not wait until the water gone, but we, should prevent it from now. By doing some conservation around your lawn, it would help the earth from crisis.

Why water is so important?

By drinking pure water everyday, your body will be more healthy, increasing your endurance, resisting hungry, the most efficient moisturizer for your face, and overcome the migraine.

Pure water is better than medicine, they more powerful to fight back against many illness and ailments. I recommended you to consume about 3 liter of pure water each day, then your body will work better and you will be more healthy.

See even water is a small thing, but it has a huge positive effect for our body.

How to prevent the water to become scarce?

Conserve is a small activity but this small thing could affect our entire world. Scientist have done the conserve since long ago but we never done anything since then. From now we also could start doing water conservation. If you think conservation need a wide, a huge area, not again, I have a better idea for you, and for our earth. You can doing a water conserve in your home, this is a small thing that will help us
  1. Use shower rather than water dipper this will decrease 60% of water used everyday when you bathing, but personally I think either using dipper or shower, the amount is same, and to reduce it, use water efficient and wisely. 
  2. Save your water bit by bit by decreasing the amount when you use the water to wash car, wash utensil, etc.
  3. Wash your clothes with enough detergent, why? if you use too much detergent when you washed you need more water to rinse the sudsy clothes. Using enough detergent also save your money to buy many detergents.
  4. Reduce the frequency of mowing the lawn, because 1.900-5.700 liter each month, the shorter the lawn, the more water need it.
  5. Start forgetting about bathing using bathtub, by using the bathtub it same you waste 100 liter pure water each time you bath, and start accommodating the water that you used when you bathed into the bucket then you can use it to water your plant.
The conservation could be by planting some shade trees along your lawn, by making infiltration well. The infiltration well could become a first step to skim the water . How? Infiltration well will accommodate the rainwater, when you overwritten a water crisis, you can use the water from the infiltration wells. The rainwater from this infiltration well will be useful when the dry season approach, you can use it to replace pure water when you wash, water the plant and cleaning the utensil. So by this holy well, you can decrease the amount of pure water you use everyday. This small steps will be predispose the entire world.

This program made almost 50 favorites area of floods become the area which the flood hates now. This infiltration well also could prevent the houses from flood, because the well distribute the flood into below ground. Not only as a infiltration well, this also as the flood deterrent.

Start thinking that we will not become prisoners anymore, but we will heal and repair our earth from the despairing, the gloomy atmosphere. What will you choose? The gloomy, darkness atmosphere or The happy, bright atmosphere for our future? the choice only yours, but your choice will affect our whole world.  Think wisely, think smart, and LET'S Repair our homeland together.[/Deny]

IYGS blogging competition 2013

{ 16 komentar... read them below or Comment }

  1. Comment? suggestion? how is it? :)

  2. interesting topic,but I have no time to read all of it,too boring! hehehe

  3. Blognya bagus tpi templatenya berat.. dan daun2 itu lho, dan klo bisa kasiin auto readmore... salam dari rathalos-killer.blogspot.com

  4. topiknya dh bgs,, tpi isinya kurang,, topiknya ttg pencemaran air kan? jlasin cara mencegahh pencemaran air,, kw kan cma isi cara mencegah kelangkaan air..
    salam : rom-dragon.blogspot.com

  5. huaaa thanks ya :) ya -_- aq juga bingung hehe, aq malah ngejelasin kelangkaan air XD
    eh tpi sesuai judulnya hehehe :v

  6. woowww.. ternyata kren juga nichh... bagus2 good luck yeah
    hehehheeh :)

  7. Tebu -_- iya soalnya materinya bnyak hehehe XD XD XD
    ih Mamam ade2 gen -_-

  8. Deny anyong,, keren keren keren, salut buat kamu!!
    Temen-temen ayo like n baca.. inget baca jangan liatin daun-daun yang jatuh,, keren keren,,

  9. ^_^ hehehe makasi ratih :D

    inget koment ya :D

  10. tampilannya keren bgt dd, kpan2 ajarin yo,, :)


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